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We at websitebyranking, we commit to keep your privacy safe. This privacy policy explains that what we do with your personal data which you share with us or that data which we collect form the whilst you visit our site. We update the details time to time so please review this policy once in a while. The details which you share with us whenever you connect with us for any reason or when you visit our website so the resources which you access, this such information include the traffic data, location data and also information data.

We use the information which services you provide to us we use those services to inform you regarding any changes to your websites and services or any other important information regarding your project. Your personal information would be very safe with us whether it is public or private we will not disclose it with any other person or any third party without your consent.

Use of cookies: - cookies provide information regarding the computer used by any visitor or client. We may use cookies where appropriate to gather information about your system which assist us to improve our services.THIRD party links: - We also include third party links sometimes or occasionally so before sending them any personal data please check their privacy policy. We are providing third party link it does not mean that we are endorsing and approving that site’s policy towards visitor privacy.

This privacy policy applies only to that information which is collected through our website and that is not collected offline. This is your consent by using our website and also you are giving consent to our privacy policy.