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Terms and conditions are legal contract which is between the web services and the user who is accessing through the website. If you are using the web site it is at your own risk we are not giving any warranty of information which is available at website. We design the website according to the information given by client. It is your responsibility if there is any problem regarding the website. As a customer of our website we want to aware your that when you are signing up for and account with our website you have to agree with our terms and services you have to accept all the terms and conditions of our services and you are also abide by our web designing and web hosting terms of services you are hence recommended to check the term and conditions of our website. The contents and the pages on our website are only for the general information and use only. Use of any information on the website is risk of the users only we are not liable for it.

We record all the information about the customer. The information is required are:- your name, date of birth, address, email address, gender, and the mobile number of yours. We do not share your information and anything regarding you with anyone. If you have any query regarding privacy policy you can email us at websitebyranking. If you want information about your work so you can get your information by mailing us at our website. The information should be collected directly through the website and you have not to worry about the information it will be under our control. There should be full consent of yours to giving us information about you. We collect the information of yours only when you will request for our service. We have link with other sites also. We are not responsible for the privacy policy of other website. The website of third party are not in our control and we do not take any responsibility regarding the privacy policy of third party. We don’t take any responsibility it there is any damage by the use of the website.